Procesión Marítima en honor a la Virgen del Carmen de Cariño, Julio 2012.
Navegando, en ruta, llegando a los Acantilados del Cabo Ortegal:
Corona de Flores en forma de cruz:
Emotivo ver como las flores se alejan con las olas, entre el sonido de las sirenas de los barcos:
In memory of all those sailors who lost his life in the sea. Maritime procession in honor to the Virgin of Carmen of Cariño, July, 2012. Sailing, in route, coming to the Cliffs of the End Ortegal. Wreath in the shape of cross. Emotive to see as the flowers they move away with the waves, between the sound of the sirens of the ships. Floral offering in the sea, in " A Cova ", from the ship that Carmen takes to the Image of the Virgin of. Image to cross-light in the Catholic Church of Cariño, Galicia, Spain.